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Norway 2. Division Avd. 2 Ratings
1.Kjelsas OsloNO3G21735.47
3.Tromsdalen UILNO3G21628.34
4.Ullensaker/Kisa ILNO3G21620.58
5.Grorud ILNO3G21606.05
6.Skeid FotballNO3G21605.84
7.Strömmen IFNO3G21598.62
8.Strindheim ILNO3G21534.15
9.Alta IFNO3G21501.61
10.Eidsvold TFNO3G21490.11
11.Follo FotballNO3G21416.83
12.IK JunkerenNO3G21354.94
13.FK Gjoevik-LynNO3G21275.19
14.Valerenga Oslo IINO3G21262.25
Leagues Average Rating
3.2. Division Avd. 11575.58
4.2. Division Avd. 21523.43

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Ratings are calculated by converting bookmakers odds. This rating list shows strength rated by bookmakers.
If you believe a team is underrated, you should back it.
If you believe a team is overrated, you should lay it.
Available Odds
Norway 2. Division Avd. 2Norway 2. Division Avd. 21X2
01/06 29NO3G2Stjoerdals-Blink - FK Gjoevik-Lyn 1.0512.0026.00
01/06 21NO3G2Strömmen IF - Strindheim IL 1.883.703.10
Opening OddsDropping OddsAvailable Odds
Opening Odds
Norway 2. Division Avd. 2Norway 2. Division Avd. 21X2
01/06 23NO3G2Stjoerdals-Blink - FK Gjoevik-Lyn1.0611.0023.00
01/06 24NO3G2Strömmen IF - Strindheim IL1.833.753.25
Opening OddsDropping OddsAvailable Odds
Dropping Odds
Norway 2. Division Avd. 2Norway 2. Division Avd. 21X2
01/06 29NO3G2Stjoerdals-Blink - FK Gjoevik-Lyn 1.0512.0026.00
01/06 28NO3G2Strömmen IF - Strindheim IL 1.773.753.40
Opening OddsDropping OddsAvailable Odds

Ratings are based on previous 1x2 odds. Bet home win with negative numbers, away win with positive numbers.
 Rising Odds      Dropping Odds
Bold Team has higher odds than in rounds before.
 Advice: We always suggest a bet on bold teams.
 Team has lower odds than in rounds before.
  Ratings influenced by recent cup games
     Advised bet on bold team.

Ratings are calculated by converting bookmakers odds and show strength rated by bookmakers.

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